May 26, 2023Liked by MacKenzie

Missed a few things. Dr. Baric co-authored a paper with Dr. Chi (batwoman) in 2015. Where SARS 2 is being discussed. She presented the virus to Wuhan.

Also another point of interest, Dr. Baric was given a million dollar grant by NIH/ Fauci back in 2000 I believe may been 2001. Dr Baric came up with SARS I at the UNC, there is a lab named for him and a shot. The shots for SARS 2 were from this. I personally read on Pfizers website that they took that shot and their people "fiddled" with it, 42 days later they have something for mass manufacturing .

In the beginning when I was researching, you wouldn't believe what I found on the websites. CDC, things have disappeared, it will say page no longer exists, then direct you to the new and improved.

Then I stumbled, my mother has been in and out of the hospitals 4 or 5 times since she was fear mongered , this last time, home health has been out here, wearing masks , some of them, and I'm not quiet any more.

I am still at a loss as to why the medical community didn't bother to do the research that I did. Furthermore why in the hell are they still supporting it. .

I didn't go to the hospital, not once I'm not playing their game but if I had wanted to get in there , you bet your ass I would have.

My own heart doctor who I have vast respect for, told me last time I saw her,

This was after I stated that I didn't want to discuss shots.

She said, "no discussion, I just wish people would do what they are supposed to do, so that WE can get back to doing what we were doing."


I did discuss it a few times with my internist. She was cool with discussing. She countered my points (this was early on, and I could be the poster child for their shots , and that's why she was concerned) ex.i asked her about the shots crossing the BBB, and she stated well COVID does too.

What I found interesting is she stated her and her husband (He is a cardiologist and actually the brother of my cardiologist ) she stated, that they had friends who had friends that knew someone who died of COVID, and that's why they had gotten it.

It was only later that I gave that statement some thought.

I have stated it before and I will state it again. I'm a nobody in the world. However I have an ability to see things, have witnessed the dumbing down of the people for about 35 years . It was only the last 15 or so, that I begin to get a sense of why this was occurring. Before covid, I had several places I liked to go online for social interaction. Now I go everywhere , but there are only so many hours in a day. I would guestimate that I have thousands of hours in looking, researching, then getting anything I found that I thought was credible. My family turned on me, and that's okay. My last act of kindness here , will be trying to get a county meeting where I will follow Dr. P McCollough and Sasha in presenting a document asking for the restricting of shots.

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A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence by Zhengli-Li Shi & Ralph S Baric Published: 09 November 2015 https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985/

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Still no clue how this patent might fit into a story.


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Elémentaire mon cher Watson

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